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puma-dev serves rack apps in development, using puma. Similar to pow.cx. Why not use pow?



See the website for installation instructions: https://github.com/puma/puma-dev

puma-dev link [-n name] [dir]

"Register" your app with puma-dev

Creates a symlink to your app directory in your puma-dev directory (~/.puma-dev by default).

pkill -USR1 puma-dev

Purge: stop all the apps

For resource issues or because an app isn't restarting properly

puma-dev -uninstall

Uninstall (OSX only)


curl -H "Host: puma-dev" localhost/status


Returns status of puma-dev.

curl -H "Host: puma-dev" localhost/events

Event log

Returns a log of puma-dev events.