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Collection Indicators


Key indicator


Value indicator


Nested series entry indicator


Separate in-line branch entries


Surround in-line series branch


Surround in-line keyed branch

Scalar Indicators


Surround in-line unescaped scalar ('' escaped ')


Surround in-line escaped scalar (see escape codes below)


Block scalar indicator


Folded scalar indicator


Strip chomp modifier (|- or >-)


Keep chomp modifier (|+ or >+)


Explicit indentation modifier (|1 or >2)

Modifiers can be combined (|2-, >+1)

Alias Indicators


Anchor property


Alias indicator

Tag Property (usually unspecified)


Unspecified tag (automatically resolved by application)


Non-specific tag (by default, !!map/!!seq/!!str)


Primary (by convention, means a local !foo tag)


Secondary (by convention, means tag:yaml.org,2002:foo)


Requires %TAG !h! <prefix> (and then means <prefix>foo)


Verbatim tag (always means foo)

Document Indicators


Directive indicator


Document header


Document terminator

Misc Indicators


Throwaway comment indicator


Both reserved for future use

Special Keys


Default "value" mapping key


Merge keys from another mapping

Core Types (default automatic tags)


{ Hash table, dictionary, mapping }


{ List, array, tuple, vector, sequence }


Unicode string

More Types


{ cherries, plums, apples }


[ one: 1, two: 2 ]

Language Independent Scalar Types

{ ~, null }

Null (no value)

[ 1234, 0x4D2, 02333 ]

[ Decimal int, Hexadecimal int, Octal int ]

[ 1_230.15, 12.3015e+02 ]

[ Fixed float, Exponential float ]

[ .inf, -.Inf, .NAN ]

[ Infinity (float), Negative, Not a number ]

{ Y, true, Yes, ON }

Boolean true

{ n, FALSE, No, off }

Boolean false

? !!binary >
  Base 64 binary value

Escape Codes


"\x12"       : 8-bit
"\u1234"     : 16-bit
"\U00102030" : 32-bit


"\\"     : '\'
"\""     : '"'
"\ "     : ' '
"\<TAB>" : TAB


"\0": NUL
"\a": BEL
"\b": BS
"\f": FF
"\n": LF
"\r": CR
"\t": TAB
"\v": VTAB


"\e": ESC
"\_": NBSP
"\N": NEL
"\L": LS
"\P": PS
