
Dash App Icon
Dash for macOS
Instant access to all the cheat sheets, API docs and snippets you need!

Keyboard Shortcuts

Arrow Up

Select the card above the current card

Arrow Down

Select the card below the current card

Arrow Left

Select the card to the left of the current card

Arrow Right

Select the card to the right of the current card


Archive a card


Open the date picker for a card


Open quick edit mode

If hovering over a card, pressing E will open quick edit mode, which lets you quickly edit the title and other card attributes.


Close edit window

Pressing Esc will close an open dialog window or pop-over or cancel edits and comments you are composing.


Open selected card

Pressing Enter will open the currently selected card. Pressing SHIFT+Enter while submitting a card will open it immediately after creating it.


Open available labels

Pressing L opens a pop-over of the available labels. Clicking a label will add or remove it from the card. Pressing a number key selects a label in that position.


Add or remove members

Pressing M opens the add / remove members menu. Clicking a member’s avatar will assign or unassign that person.


Add another card

Pressing N opens a pop-over that allows you to add a card after the currently selected card.


Move a card to the adjacent left list


Move a card to the adjacent right list


Toggle the cards assigned to me filter


Subscription options for card

Pressing S will subscribe you to, or unsubscribe you from, a card. Subscribing to a card will give you notifications for most actions to that card.


Assign (or unassign) yourself to a card


Edit card title

If viewing a card, pressing T will edit the title. If hovering over a card, pressing T will open the card and edit the title.


Vote on card

Pressing V will add (or remove) your vote on a card if the Voting Power-Up is enabled.


Clear all active card filters


Open the shortcuts page


Autocomplete member name

When writing a comment, you can type @ plus a member’s name, username, or initials and get a list of matching members. You can navigate that list with the up and down arrows. Pressing enter or tab with a member selected will mention that user in the comment. The mentioned user will get a notification once submitted.

When adding a new card, you can use the same method to assign members to cards before submitting them.


Autocomplete labels

When adding a new card, you can type # plus the label’s color or title and get a list of matching labels. You can use the up and down arrows to navigate the resulting list. Pressing enter or tab will add the label to the composed card. The labels will be added to the card when you submit.


Autocomplete card position

When adding a new card, you can type ^ plus a list name or position in a list. You can also type top or bottom to add to the top or bottom of the current list. You can use the up and down arrows to navigate the resulting list. Pressing enter or tab will automatically change the position of the composed card.
