Git Flow

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Instant access to all the cheat sheets, API docs and snippets you need!


Create a git-flow project or convert an existing project to use git-flow

git flow init


Start a new feature

git flow feature start <feature_name>

Finish up a feature

git flow feature finish <feature_name>

Publish a feature

git flow feature publish <feature_name>

Get a published feature

git flow feature pull origin <feature_name>

Track a feature on origin

git flow feature track <feature_name>


Start a release

git flow release start <release_name> [<base>]

Publish a release

git flow release publish <release_name>

Finish up a release

git flow release finish <release_name>

Don't forget to push your tags

git push --tags


Start a new bugfix

git flow bugfix start <bugfix_name>

Finish up a bugfix

git flow bugfix finish <bugfix_name>

Publish a bugfix

git flow bugfix publish <bugfix_name>

Get a published bugfix

git flow bugfix pull origin <bugfix_name>

Track a bugfix on origin

git flow bugfix track <bugfix_name>


Start a hotfix

git flow hotfix start <version_name> [<base_name>]

Finish a hotfix

git flow hotfix finish <version_name>
